Monday, January 9, 2012

Wu's Aversion to Weave/Wigs

So as you know, my hair is thin, thinning, and fine.  And while I agree that weave/wigs can be a great "help" to these types of issues, I feel like once you start - you have to keep it going.  To go from barely there hair to this cascade of perfect curls or bountiful twist outs would be just too much!  I KNOW I would look too fabulous and quite frankly, I got enough habits to maintain so I refuse to add weave/wigs to the list.  On top of that - I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to deal with the "so you took your hair out" comments and disappointing looks that are sure to come once I'm back to sporting my fine hair.  So to avoid all the drama - what you see is what you get.

Be easy.

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